From the user's profile, by clicking on the button it is possible to add notes or Crm tasks and browse the task history by date of creation or scheduled date.
Add History
You can add notes regarding the client
- Description
- Type
- Tags (optional)
- Scheduled Date
- Time
Find user in the members' database: select the responsible operator
Add Task
You can create tasks of different types associated with the user. When you create a task you will need to specify:
- Description
- Type
- Tags (optional)
- Scheduled Date
- Time
Find User in the Members' Database: select the responsible operator.
You can find a summary of all the scheduled tasks and history in the table
The date between brackets is the day the task was created, while the date outside the brackets is the day the task has been scheduled for (there will be only one date if these dates correspond).
As for the user, the name of the creator of the task will appear between brackets, while the name outside the brackets corresponds to the person responsible for the task (there will be only one name if these users correspond).
If you click on Next you can carry on with the task
Example #1:
- select the outcome (Cancelled, Negative, Positive, Sold)
- select the action (Close, Close with a Note, Continue with Task)
- click on on OK when you are done.
The task will go down on the list and it will be marked with a green icon, indicating that the task has been concluded.
Example #2: