Please follow the steps below for advance payments and instalments:
1) Click on Advance, select the items you intend to create and advance/instalments for and click on Create Advance
2) The window provides the main details of the item on sale on the left side.
The balance is set on the first day of validity of the item on sale. Before creating any instalment, it is necessary to change the due date of the payment by clicking on Edit.
After the first instalment has been added, the system will split the total amount evenly between the number of instalments created. It is possible to create more than one instalment.
Example: 1st instalment due on the 17th - amount to be paid 40£
2nd instalment due a day later - amount to be paid 25£
balance due on the 21st - amount to be paid 15£
3) it is also possible to create instalments automatically by clicking on "automatic insertion".
- Fields required:
- Instalment Number
- Repeat Every
- Date of First Instalment
- Balace Date
- Amount of the first instalment (if different from the amount of the other instalments)
4) For the payment of the first instalment, you will have to select it (the system provides a list of the instalments created).
5) Once you have clicked on Pay Now, the selected instalment will disappear.
6) If you click on Payment, you will see a summary of the amount paid and the amount yet to be paid.
7) You can still create new instalments by following the procedure explained beforehand.
8) Once the second instalment has been paid, the situation will be as follows:
9) to pay the final balance, click on Pay All and the system will charge only the remaining amount.
There is also the possibility to create instalments/advance payment automatically inserted by the system. The amount and the due date of the instalments will be automatically set according to:
- Number of instalments
- Repeat every
- Date of first instalment
- Balance Date
- Amount of the first instalment (optional) it is possible to specify a different amount for the first instalment, while the value of the remaining instalments will be automatically calculated by the system
Specify Taxes (optional)
To proceed with the creation of the instalments click on Create Instalments
The system will provide a summary of all the instalments created. To confirm click on OK.