To add a cash register -> Settings - Cash Registers - Add

It is mandatory to add Cash Registers before using them and activate them automatically during sale procedures.

We recommend you to get in touch with Sportrick Support to make sure that cash registers are activated correctly.

For each cash register you will need to specify:

  • Name: name to identify the cash register
  • Type:
    1. Custom via Ethernet
    2. Custom via Serial
    3. Epson via File

If you can't find it on the list or you don't know which to choose, please contact your supplier or send an email to

  • Default CompartmentVAT compartment of the cash register 

Connection Settings: these settings have to be set carefully as they might prevent the device from working properly.

According to the type selected, you will have to specify: 

  • IP Address: IP address of the device
  • Compatibility Mode: tick the box to check the connection and click on Test Connection